The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, this is a heroic encyclopedic work by some of the world´s top thinkers on the topic of science, faith, and cosmos.


This is a heroic encyclopedic work by some of the world’s top thinkers on the topics of science, faith, and the cosmos, and the God who created them all. If anyone thinks that the study of science and faith should be disparate disciplines, here are more than 656 reasons why they’re wrong. What is clear from this massive volume is that the alignment of science and faith is far closer to parallel than orthogonal, and it spans as far as from east to west across the tangents of science, life, and eternity.


The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith is, quite simply, a tour de force whose publication is an event we must understand. The release of this book is a symbol of the decades-old growth, maturity, and rigor of the intelligent design (ID) movement. No longer can people employ dismissive slogans, handwaving, and ad-hominem attacks in response to ID claims. This book demands serious engagement. Filled with highly qualified scholars, detailed and first-rate argumentation, and solid engagement with virtually all the major issues, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith throws down the gauntlet. If the reader does not agree with the points made within its pages, then let the reader bring forth his or her case. However, if someone ignores this book or simply brushes it aside, that person does so at the price of being intellectually irresponsible.



Science and faith are often presented as mutually exclusive, when in reality the scientific evidence provides powerful evidence that life and the universe were designed. Featuring more than 40 entries authored by over 30 qualified experts, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos will help explain:

  • How intelligent design is a scientific theory backed by evidence from the top to bottom of nature, with design found in the complexity of the tiniest biomolecules to the macro-architecture of the universe and the laws of physics
  • How the history of science shows that religion has encouraged scientific discovery, and has not been a hindrance
  • That humans are special and unique, and do not share common ancestors with animal species

Each chapter is written by an expert who gives a comprehensive yet concise and readable briefing of key questions related to science, faith, and intelligent design (ID). With contributions from leading theorists and thinkers, such as William Dembski, Stephen Meyer, Michael Behe, Douglas Axe, Jonathan Wells, Walter Bradley, Casey Luskin, Brian Miller, Paul Nelson, Günter Bechly, Guillermo Gonzalez, John West, Robert Marks, Michael Keas, Jay Richards, Richard Weikart, Bruce Gordon, Michael Egnor, Cornelius Hunter, John Bloom, and others, few books go this broad and deep on ID in such a “tight” way.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword by Stephen C. Meyer15

Part I: Science and Faith

  1. What Are Science and Faith — and Are They Compatible? by William A. Dembski21
  2. How Do We Understand the Relationship Between Faith and Reason? by Joseph M. Holden and Christopher T Haun33
  3. Has Science Refuted Miracles and the Supernatural? by Richard G. Howe45
  4. Is Christianity at War with Science? by Michael N. Keas55
  5. Does Science Conflict with Biblical Faith? by David Haines67
  6. Did Christianity Help Give Rise to Science? by John A. Bloom81
  7. Can a Christian Be a Scientist (and Vice Versa)? by David Haines and Frank Correa87
  8. What Is the Biblical and Scientific Case for a Historical Adam and Eve? by Fazale Rana97
  9. On Science and Scientism: What Insights Does CS Lewis Offer? by Terry Glaspey111
  10. How Has Evil Been Done in the Name of Science? by Richard Weikart115
  11. How Can We Use Science in Apologetics? by Jay W Richards123
  12. What About the Historical Relationship Between Christianity and Science? by H. Wayne House131

Part II: Science and Design

  1. What Is the Evidence for Intelligent Design and What Are Its Theological Implications? byStephen C. Meyer143
  2. Is Our Intuition of Design in Nature Correct? by Douglas Axe151
  3. What is Intelligent Design and How Should We Defend It? by Casey Luskin161
  4. What Is the Positive Case for Design? by Casey Luskin175
  5. Why Does Intelligent Design Matter? by William A. Dembski191
  6. Have Science and Philosophy Refuted Free Will? by Michael Egnor197
  7. Can Materialism Explain Human Consciousness? by Michael Egnor211
  8. Does the Big Bang Support Cosmic Design? by Brian Miller223
  9. How Does Fine-Tuning Make the Case for Nature’s Designer? by Hugh Ross229
  10. Do We Live on a Privileged Planet? by Guillermo Gonzalez239
  11. How Do Solar Eclipses Point to Intelligent Design? by Guillermo Gonzalez247
  12. How Does the Intelligibility of Nature Point to Design? by Bruce L. Gordon253

Part III: Science and Evolution

  1. Did Life First Arise by Purely Natural Means (Abiogenesis)? 267by Walter L. Bradley and Casey Luskin
  2. What Are the Top Scientific Problems with Evolution? by Jonathan Wells285
  3. How Does Irreducible Complexity Challenge Darwinism? by Michael Behe295
  4. Can New Proteins Evolve? by Douglas Axe 303
  5. Does the Evidence Support Universal Common Ancestry? by Casey Luskin313
  6. Can Universal Common Descent Be Tested? by Paul Nelson331
  7. Does the Fossil Record Demonstrate Darwinian Evolution? by Günter Bechly345
  8. Do Fossils Demonstrate Human Evolution? by Casey Luskin357
  9. Is Evolutionary Psychology a Legitimate Way to Understand Our Humanity? by Denyse O’Leary371
  10. Does Darwinism Make Theological Assumptions? by Cornelius Hunter381
  11. How Has Darwinism Negatively Impacted Society? by John G. West389
  12. Do Scientists Have the Intellectual Freedom to Challenge Darwinism? by John G. West399
  13. Is Darwinism a Theory in Crisis? by Jonathan Wells407

Part IV: Hard Questions on Science and Faith

  1. Is Science the Only Means for Acquiring Truth? by David R.C. Deane417
  2. Is Theistic Evolution a Viable Option for Christians? 429by Jay W. Richards
  3. Will Intelligent Machines Rise Up and Overtake Humanity? 439by Robert J. Marks II
  4. Can Panspermia Explain the Origin of Life? by Guillermo Gonzalez449
  5. Does the Multiverse Refute Cosmic Design? by Bruce L. Gordon457
  6. What About Human Exceptionalism and Genetic Engineering? by Wesley J. Smith471
  7. How Should Christians Think About Origins? by Richard G. Howe481
  8. How Should We Think About the Age of the Earth? by David Haines491
  9. How Have Christians Helped to Advance Science? by Henry “Fritz” Schaefer III507
  10. How Can We Make Sense of Natural Evil? by William A. Dembski527
  11. Should Christians Embrace Human Enhancement Science and Technology That Extends Mental and Physical Limitations? by Miguel Angel Endara535
  • Appendix: List of Important Thinkers in the History of the Natural Sciences Who Were Religious 545by David Haines
  • Bibliography and Resources 555
  • Notes 563